
your blogging experience

My experience in blogs, before this class was null, nonexistent, never in my life had written a blog. I do not know the reason (like Jon Snow), but I think I was never interested in writing anything. It is more I hate written, I don’t like it, maybe is for my Horrible writing, or my zero imagination to write. On whether my writing has improved or developed, I think my writing was very bad, because I was very difficult to write in the past or future, and my vocabulary did not help much. But now is not so bad, I think that since I started to write in English I have improvement (maybe because my writing was horrible as I already mentioned). Actually, writing is not my favorite activity, so If it was my decision I do not think I would write a blog less in English and it is because I am not born to write much about something, I think I can talk a lot but not write, it is very difficult. , but if a have to write something I prefer writing about, in general, things that I know maybe book

From the invisible to the visible world and back

I do not know (like Jon Snow) anything about materials, instruments, or techniques that are important in the micro or nano world and have or might have a promising use in my career. However, look on the internet, the fabulous internet, important techniques in my career, and find electrophoresis technique, what this technique does is to separate molecules according to the mobility of these in an electric field, I think that is really cool. Also, the electrophoresis is used for the identification of people, or rather is an analysis of the DNA, I think you can imagine, it is used in forensic medicine. So this technique is used for paternity tests, for detecting hereditary diseases, for detection of viral diseases, and more things with DNA. Thanks to this technique can detect hereditary diseases, so it has a good impact on human health. This technique helps. Electrophoresis is widely used in biochemistry, as I mentioned above, to detect DNA and any errors it may have. I choose thi

the most enjoyable subject

To think of all classes that i had, I have found that I do not really have one that has me in a hurry or I will love it. I like many of those, like “LABORATORIO DE QUIMICA GENERAL”, all classes have a theoretical part, but the majority was in the laboratory. I liked this classes because I could put into practice everything that, at least supposed, I had learned. I had something like freedom in the laboratory, for first time in my life had not a teacher 100 percent pending me; of course there was a teacher and an assistant to supervise, and to guide. I also remember with great pleasure my teacher, because he was really interested in us to understand what we were doing, He was also very nice. And other thing that makes this class’s one of the most I like (or remember) was be my partner lab and friend, we sometimes made mistakes but we had a good time. Other class I like is a CFG of volleyball, this class is a good one, I don’t have to do something harder or need to think about so

persone you admire

When I was 16 years old, my English teacher shows us to the class a letter written by Chief Seattle of the as a Suquamish Tribe (Suquamish) and Dkhw'Duw'Absh.he was born in 1786 and died in 1866. He was a chief and a defender of the environment. When I read the letter, the only thing then I can think was the wisdom of this chief of the tribe. And I recently searched this letter and I found this phrases “in this letter he gave the most profound understanding God in all Things”, How much reason does this phrase. The letter was the answer to a letter sent by the President of the United States in 1854, In that letter, the President requested buy the land and in return promised a reservation for the tribe. The letters show us important it was to the earth Not as a thing from which you can profit, if not, as something sacred, as important as any other life As mentioned in the letter “Every part of the earth is sacred to my people. Every shining pine needle, every sandy shore...

My Favourite Book and Film

Although I do not like to admit it, I have to. Romantic novels fascinate me, I'm not saying I'm not attracted to other literary subgenres, actually i also like reading science fiction, but i always come back to romantic novels like the fault in our stars ( i love this book), or the miserables. my favorite book/film i n all my life it has been pride and prejudice, i dont really know why this is my favorite book but it is, maybe is because  I love the dresses of that time, or  because I like it when elizabeth breaks the pride (and the heart) of darcy, i love the plot, and i really like Elizabeth realizing her mistakes and do not be afraid to admit them. talking about the film, i just have to say i could see it every day of my life.  I recommend this book because: Is a jewel of English literature Has different topics that make you think The characters are as complex as an 'average person' Helps you to understand how the moral was in that century

A Photograph You Like

When I was child my mom usually taken photographs about my brother en I, with a really old camera, as old than the camera use photo rolls and it was very heavy. I remember when my mom took those photographs, I was in my parent´s bed with my youngest brother, and we looked at the window, because my mom was there Trying to take photos. I was, I think, 7 years old and my brother had at most 2 years and was so fat that it looked like a little ball. It's one of my favourite photos, because every time I see it  I remember my childhood, I remember my beautiful dogs, my not-small house, my friends, and other things like that. In few words, the photograph Represents happiness. Other thing, when I was child my fashion sense was a bit distorted, I thought that a skirt with pants was the best decision in life; also I used print, stripes and circles in one garment. I preferred to use as many colours as possible, because according to me it was the coolest thing. Worst of all is that

music in my life

"We're going, somewhere where the sun is shining bright Just close your eyes, and let's pretend we're dancing in the street In Barcelona" This is part of the lyrics of my current favorite song, Barcelona by Ed Sheeran. He is British and he writes the most beautiful songs in the world. Fact: he wrote I see fire for the hobbit.                                                                  Actually Ed Sheeran, is my favourite singer, I bought each of their albums, I like/love this kind of music, POP, pop for my are the best because make my feel happy, helps me to concentrate when I study and de-stress when I'm tired (of the life, specially university life). I also enjoy classic music like the swan lake, a different folk music of other countries, like Indian music, or Irish and Celtic music. A couple of months ago I became obsessed with a French singer Louane Emera her kind of music is pop too. But come back to the British man, He has a concert on May 15