My Favourite Book and Film
Although I do not like to admit it, I have to. Romantic novels fascinate me, I'm not saying I'm not attracted to other literary subgenres, actually i also like reading science fiction, but i always come back to romantic novels like the fault in our stars ( i love this book), or the miserables. my favorite book/film i n all my life it has been pride and prejudice, i dont really know why this is my favorite book but it is, maybe is because I love the dresses of that time, or because I like it when elizabeth breaks the pride (and the heart) of darcy, i love the plot, and i really like Elizabeth realizing her mistakes and do not be afraid to admit them. talking about the film, i just have to say i could see it every day of my life. I recommend this book because: Is a jewel of English literature Has different topics that make you think The characters are as complex as an 'average person' Helps you to understand how the moral was in that centu...